Moving to Feedburner

. . . or I might say feedproxy from Google.

Many of you may not be aware, but I do make part of my income from writing, and I wanted to have the opportunity to show just a small ad with my posts. I earlier had a post in which I asked whether people preferred the entire post in their reader, or whether they liked the “read more” link. The majority prefer to get everything in their reader. So I went along with that.

So I decided, after seeing it in a number of other posts, to use adsense to add just a little ad at the end of each post. I don’t like feeds and e-mails that are largely advertising with just a little bit of content. When I add the adsense code I will restrict it from very small posts (under 250 words), so that it won’t appear on posts that just link to another person’s post, for example.

I hope this will be tolerable. I also note that some of my posts were duplicated in the feed during the update process. I’m not sure precisely what caused this. I’m assuming it won’t happen more than once.

I appreciate all my readers and subscribers. Thanks for your time!

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