He Wouldn’t Be on my Long List
. . . but Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate.
. . . but Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate.
Laura links to a new site on creation and evolution written by someone she knows, and I wanted to promote the link to an actual post. I must say that I have substantial areas of disagreement with the post she directly links on thermodynamics, but I’m so involved on the theological side right now, which…
I think the Nevada Supreme Court got this one right. Freedom of the press must include full freedom to invite or not to invite. I often support candidates with very low ratings at the polls, but there is no legal basis to force their inclusion in any televised debate.
… to look up “suffrage.”
As readers of this blog already know I have mixed feelings about the current stimulus bill, but I think most of the discussion on the progress of the bill is measured against a wrong standard. Despite complaints to the contrary, President Obama has taken a bipartisan approach to formulating this bill. There are Republican ideas…
While I’m at talking about the auto industry, how about the following headline from MNSBC.com: Republicans to Detroit: Drop dead Biased? Read the article yourself and see if that’s what the Republicans in question were saying.
This CQPolitics article is a good read on New Hampshire, I think. Along with emotions, one needs to remember that polls come with margins of error [Wikipedia], and that even those are within a certain confidence percentage.