He Wouldn’t Be on my Long List
. . . but Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate.
. . . but Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate.
… at The Limitless.
I think that President Barack Obama’s inaugural speech was less about soaring rhetoric and more about giving the nation a few kicks in the rear, though only in the nicest way. Yet the kicks were firm for all of that. While government has work to do, we all need to change our attitude and get…
… or not. Since I’m a fan of NCIS, I couldn’t resist linking to this post on The Austringer. I definitely didn’t know any of that stuff!
A friend sent me a link to this post on Language Log which discusses public repentance as a speech event. If you tag some spiritual implications onto the linguistic analysis, it adds some interest as well!
Here’s a conspiracy I could get on board with!