

I received an e-mail from Joe Carter suggesting that I check out Culture11, of which he’s a managing editor. I’d feel real special, but I know that a bunch of my friends got such invitations as well, so probably Joe was inviting all the bloggers with whom he has contact, which is, after all, a good idea!

I’m checking out Culture11, and thus far I’d say it looks a bit like Facebook, except that it is built around ideas more than light social interaction. It’s not that Facebook is not useful for exchanging ideas, though things tend to move too fast for me there, or that Culture11 doesn’t appear to have all the possibilities for social interaction, but it appears to be designed to keep the focus on ideas.

Of course, this is just preliminary. I’ve barely started looking. If it is, in fact, an idea centered site, I’ll probably spend some time there. It will be interesting to see how people use it. The atmosphere cannot always be controlled by the management.

In any case, I’d suggest checking it out, and if you do, look me up. My profile, such as it is, is here.

Have fun!

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  1. I marked my invite as spam. Are you sure this is a genuine site and not one a malicious one? Were you sure before you checked it out? Who is this Joe Carter anyway? I would never respond to such an invite unless I really knew it was genuine. I just hope you haven’t been conned.

    1. Joe Carter is the evangelical outpost Joe, and I checked out Culture11 to the extent that I could.

      I never give information to any of these sites that isn’t publicly available, even when it’s a site I generally trust. In my case, almost everything about me is completely publicly available in any case.

      I’m still very tentative on whether the site will suit me or not. It seems to lean somewhat to my right, but I’ll see.

  2. Well, Henry, I can’t recommend that Joe Carter because I still can’t get into his site. But did you check that it was the same Joe Carter? One common spam trick is to send random combinations of first and last names in the hope that someone will think the message is from a friend. I’m just aware of the danger of this kind of thing.

    1. Peter, let me expand that, since I know you can’t check this, considering you can’t get to his site. On his About page at evangelical outpost, Joe Carter states that he is the managing editor of Culture11.

      That is good enough for me on the identity thing. The series of hacking activities that would have to take place for this to occur is a bit daunting.

      Also, I’m not sure why you can’t get to his site. The issues reported by SiteAdvisor have been resolved, and they are reporting the site as safe at this time.

  3. Henry, fair enough since Joe refers to it on his site. But I’m still sore that he won’t let me into it, even though he claims not to know why.

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