Happy New Year!
I’m starting the new year with a new theme for this blog. I’ll be using a similar theme for both my Threads and Jevlir Caravansary blogs. The basic design is from here. All I have modified is the header image.
I’m starting the new year with a new theme for this blog. I’ll be using a similar theme for both my Threads and Jevlir Caravansary blogs. The basic design is from here. All I have modified is the header image.
I want to call the attention of the readers of this blog to some posts I’m starting in the Participatory Bible Study blog. I’m looking at the nature of priesthood and sacrifice in connection with views of the atonement. This portion of my blogging through the book of Hebrews will take me a number of…
I’m continuing to have considerable database problems. I’m keeping a close eye on the blog and I can bring it back up easily, but it’s not looking very stable. It’s possible I may change to a different provider for my server. In the meantime, I ask for patience! Update: I’m testing a change in the…
Mark has started responding (crossposted to Stones Cry Out) to some of what I have said on health care, though I have said very little and done so with many words! Mark describes his post as a bit critical, but I would describe it more as vigorously advancing the conversation. If there was an award…
In this case, it’s the first thing that has really made sense to me. I largely ignored the previous discussion on this topic, falling under the “who cares?” group to which Dr. West refers. I remain less than totally enthusiastic, but I do see the value in identifying scholarly participation on the web. I normally…
This was a lateral move with the same provider, but still the database was physically moved. If you commented over the last 24-48 hours and your comment is missing, it was most likely due to the move. If you are seeing this, you can go ahead and comment and your comment will not be lost.
For participation in a previous contest, Tyndale House has sent me a certificate for one free copy of the Life Application Study Bible (NLT), which they say is the #1-selling study Bible. I’m happy to be able to provide someone with a copy of an NLT. I’m going to do this a bit differently this…