Random Interesting Links 10/5/07
Here are a few links to stuff that caught my attention, but won’t be getting more comment from me.
- Don’t miss this picture
- I think that Joe Carter is way too worked up over this. It’s a pin, after all. I’d take mine off, but then I’ve never worn one.
- Peter Kirk reports on some interesting translations suggested by children.
- John Meunier wonders if God created ebola.
- Thomas at Everyday Liturgy asks what reasons might cause a minister to deny communion to someone. Personally, I’d be concerned about taking communion without seeking forgiveness, but I would not deny it to anyone who chose to take it.
- Joel Gillespie has the radical idea of voting for someone he agrees with. That’s refreshing considering how many strategic voting plans I’ve been hearing lately. While Joel is pro-life he thinks there are a number of other issues that should be part of family values as well.
Thank you for the link, Henry!