Mychal Bell out on Bail reports that Mychal Bell has been released on bail. More importantly, the prosecutor is says he will no longer fight the ruling of the appeals court that requires Bell be tried as a juvenile.

This is good news. Now a juvenile court needs to deal with this in an even-handed manner, but one that nonetheless makes it clear beating people up is not acceptable behavior.

My estimate of the DA was not improved by this quote:

“The only way — let me stress that — the only way that I believe that me or this community has been able to endure the trauma that has been thrust upon us is through the prayers of the Christian people who have sent them up in this community,” Walters said.

“I firmly believe and am confident of the fact that had it not been for the direct intervention of the Lord Jesus Christ last Thursday, a disaster would have happened. You can quote me on that.”

Under the circumstances, that has racial overtones in itself.

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