Christian Carnival CLXV Posted
. . . here. I like the theme texts with each post. I only had time to scan quickly, but they looked good, and of course of great importance to me 🙂 I liked the one on my post. How could I not?
Bruce, F. F. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990. 426 pages. I’ve been reading and using F. F. Bruce’s commentary on Hebrews for the last few weeks, and it has to go back to the library tonight as I’ve exhausted my renewals, so I thought I’d write…
Working faster than a speeding bullet and showing more power than a locomotive, Amanda has posted the Christian Carnival CLVII. No, she didn’t use a superman theme; that was suggested to me when I found the carnival already completed early this morning, and I’m an early riser! So congratulations on a good first time hosting…
This will not even be an attempt at a full review of this book by Marcus Borg. I just want to present a few notes. Such a review would take more time and more skill that I believe I can bring to bear. I generally find myself appreciating the spiritual implications that Borg finds in…
. . . at Fathom Deep. I forgot to submit anything, but as usual there’s lots of good stuff.
The latest Christian Carnival has been posted at Thoughts of a Gyrovague. Go read, enjoy, and learn!
Today as I was driving I noticed a church sign with a message that went something like this: “As a child of God, prayer is like phoning home every day.” Perhaps I’m being too tense about it, but it seems to me that prayer is very much unlike phoning home every day. In fact, to…