Grand Canyon Age and National Parks Bookstores
Joe Meert, vice-president of Florida Citizens for Science has an excellent post on the current controversy about a creationist book sold in the Grand Canyon National Park bookstore and allegations that have been made that park rangers are not permitted to give an honest, scientific answer to questions about the age of the canyon.
He has found that the charges that park rangers are muzzled are false, and that the book is currently carried in the spirituality section of the bookstore. I would agree with him when he says:
In my opinion, we do a disservice to the community by making false claims to forward an agenda (either political or scientific). There is a book in the spirituality section of the Grand Canyon bookstore that has some nonsensical science and that is true. My feeling is that if people want to buy nonsensical books in order to lift their spirits, have at it. As long as the book is classified correctly (i.e. NOT science) I see no reason for trying to ban the book. Book banning should be the sole realm of despot leaders and religious fundamentalists.
there is a link in his comments that I would like to note as well:
Don’t Believe Everything You Read, written by a former park ranger.