
Today on the Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator

Just to get a taste of what is available on the blogs covered by the Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator, let me give you a list of the most recent posts, in the order in which they appeared when I viewed the aggregator, with the exception of my own blogs. Note that blogs are randomized with each view.

  • True Christianity excerpt
    Coops was Here provided a link to audio from a sermon on Biblical Christianity. I don’t know if it was my problem, or something with the audio on the site, but I had to go to the second link to get good audio.
  • atheist apologetics
    Bruce Alderman blogged about atheist apologetics, looking at the 1932 essay by William Floyd titled The Mistakes of Jesus. Bruce is seriously unconvinced, and examines the logic at some length. This is a great discussion to get involved in.
  • Proverbs 16 on Planning and Implementation
    Tom Sims of The Dream Factory looks at God’s sovereignty, humility and planning. This is short but with some good advice.
  • Do God!
    On the newest entry in the blog aggregator, Oaks of God, we are encouraged to implement God’s goodness in the world. This one is hard to summarize, so you’ll have to read it!
  • profiles of the bridal party: j norm & davey
    It looks like a wedding is planned in the physical proximity of Hit the Back Button to Move Forward, and we have profiles of the bridal party.
  • Who is Jesus?
    On Monastic Mumblings, a Friar’s Journey, we’re asked who is Jesus, and what does that mean in practice?
  • Open Thread
    This Gay Christian’s Blog has an open thread inviting various discussions.

I think that provides us with some interesting activity. I’m afraid I won’t have time to post a daily set of entries very often, but I thought it would be a good idea to take a current cross-section.

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