Mid-week Links 10/31/07

Just a couple of really interesting things I saw, but don’t have time to comment on fully: Joe Carter at evangelical outpost does a great take-down on Jack Chick tracts as applied to Halloween. Fun reading. In the best post I read this week, Matt Judkins of Catching Meddlers tells a wonderful story of grace…

Christian Carnival CXCVI

Well, the Christian Carnival is back to this little corner of the blogosphere, and I’m going to take a theme from the church property and locate the posts somewhere on a church campus. There will obviously be some choices to make, and you might disagree, but remember that you can discuss theology in the parking…

Theological Arguments Against Evolution: Sin and Death

Yesterday I wrote about the senses in which the phrase “bad theology” is used in the creation-evolution debate and in particular on the question of ID. To call something “bad theology” generally requires either a challenge to the internal logic of the statement, or a reference to a particular faith community, because there is no…

Of Colossal Wastes of Time

Jon Blumenfeld thinks that reconciling religion and science is a colossal waste of time. He says: Time for battle stations in the comments section, because I am going to say something that is sure to ruffle some feathers: The attempt to reconcile religion and science in general, and the bible and evolution in particular, is…

Thinking and Expressing – Haiku

OK, no, I’m not writing a Haiku myself, though perhaps it would be nice if I could master the form, but thus far, no, not so good . . . But I’m always looking for new ways of thinking about and re-expressing Biblical thoughts. Through a comment on my Threads blog I found the Among…

Tracking Evolutionary Change

Evolutionary science is so much bigger, so much deeper, so much more interesting than its opponents (understandably) will admit. It’s more complicated than Michael Behe or Bill Dembski let on, and yet it’s not that hard to follow, for those who are willing to try. The best papers by evolutionary biologists are endlessly fascinating and…

Different When WE Do It

As I’ve watched the debates about various aspects of our behavior as a nation (the United States), I am very concerned with the way we seem to be able to rationalize things that normally would be totally unacceptable. The same action can be acceptable when we do it and a gross violation of justice when…

Florida Science Standards Under Attack

The new draft science standards in the state of Florida are under attack for their forthright inclusion of evolution. You can read more about the state of the debate on the Florida Citizens for Science blog. Those of us who support sound science are acquainted with the style of argumentation involved. I want to help…

A Reason Not to Vote for Huckabee

Well, I wasn’t going to vote for [tag]Mike Huckabee[/tag] anyhow, and since I’m not Republican he’d have to get the Republican nomination before it would get on my horizon, but still here’s another reason: Chuck Norris has endorsed him. I last mentioned Chuck Norris in my post Sneaking God into Public Schools. On the other…

Burma/Myanmar Reminder

On October 4, 2007 I participated in Free Burma Day by posting just a banner reading Free Burma and nothing else all day. I received an e-mail today from the U. S. Campaign for Burma, asking that we not forget what’s going on there. They mentioned several avenues for action, one of which works well…

New Florida Science Standards

New science standards for [tag]Florida[/tag] public schools are now available for review (HT: Florida Citizens for Science. These look very good, but there will inevitably be conflict about the issue of evolution. There was also a good article on this process in the Orlando Sentinel (again HT: Florida Citizens for Science. Interested parties should read…