Question Everything!
Via Exploring Our Matrix, I found this post at Think Christian. Many Christians believe that one should never question the Bible, especially if one is a Bible teacher. I know this to be true, because I’m a Bible teacher, and I question the Bible with some vigor, and not only do I not answer all…
An Example of Archaic Words – 1 Samuel 9:9
In a comment to a previous post, someone brought up the case of Saul and the seer. In this passage we have the parenthetical note following the reference by one of the characters to a seer, indicating that a prophet was formerly called a seer. This was provided as an example of how to handle…
Another Good Review of Expelled!
. . . from someone who has seen it, no less! It’s on The Creation of an Evolutionist, which blog also goes on my blogroll. (From a comment on an earlier post.)
We Can’t Have Acquittals
. . . is what the former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay, Air Force Colonel Colonel Morris Davis informed a court there he was told by superiors, according to the Washington Post. I do believe that we will need some special options for dealing with terror suspects taken in war. Many are not recognizing the…
Perspective on Vocabulary and Genre in Genesis 1-11
Just how does one go about determining how to read these chapters? I’ve talked in previous posts about literary types and historicity, but this is more about approach. I have both heard and read places where people state that these chapters are obviously narrative history because they “sound like it.” But how should one’s ears,…
A Conservative Speaks on Intelligent Design
. . . in NRO. Quoth he: “The ‘intelligent design’ hoax is not merely non-science, nor even merely anti-science; it is anti-civilization.”
Tolerance: A Value, Not an Absolute
In watching some of the material on Dr. Jeremiah Wright today, I’m reminded of the potential problem of tolerance–getting it above its proper rank as a value. I have been confronted numerous times in face to face discussions with the statement that I cannot be truly tolerant, because to be tolerant, I must tolerate intolerance….
Yoko Ono Files Suit Against Expelled!
More information at Freespace.
Good Sermon Science Comments
Today I attended Pensacola’s First United Methodist Church where Dr. Wesley Wachob is pastor. He recently saw the movie Expelled!, and though he said he recommended people see it, he proceeded to dump pretty heavily on the movie’s content. He encouraged the church’s young people to become “brilliant scientists” and noted that there is no… Progress Update
I haven’t posted about the changes to for some time, so I thought I’d let you all know I’m still working on it. I don’t expect to roll it out until my site is moved to a new, upgraded physical server which should happen any day now. It’s been “any day now” for a…
Bill Moyers Interviews Dr. Jeremiah Wright
I think we all draw boundary lines between those with whom we disagree, yet consider valid voices in our culture or community, and those whose views we think are so far off the map that conversation cannot continue. For many Americans, Dr. Jeremiah Wright has fallen into the second category. I would suggest, however, that…
Origin Models: An Abundance of Christian Views
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is an interesting philosophy in politics and war. Usually the amity between “enemies of enemies” lasts about as long as hostilities between those particular enemies. Wesley Elsberry has posted an excellent article on problems with the “two model” approach to the creation-evolution debate. To summarize, though you…
Analyzing another KJV-Only Comment
A person identifying himself as J B has added a comment to my video post Why I Hate the KJV. It contains so many examples of the misinformation and invalid reasoning presented by KJV-Only Advocates that I couldn’t resist commenting. I don’t know how you can say the KJV “communicated the scriptures wonderfully to the…
James 5, Prayer, and Physical Healing
Mark Olson has posted on James 5 and it’s relationship to healing. He notes that he “had been” in conversation with me on health care. I have been a bit too occupied with other matters, but I do intend to write some more in that conversation. Right now, I’m interested in his comments on James…
Independence and Bible Study
In working on YouTube recently, and particularly on this response to a KJV Only presentation, I’ve noticed that many people think that there is great virtue in independence when it comes to Bible study. Statements like “I didn’t depend on any scholars in coming to this view” or “I didn’t read any commentaries, just the…
Promising Series on TNIV, HCSB, and NAB
I think Kevin Sam over at New Epistles has made an excellent choice in selecting these three translations to study as “intermediate” and he’s off to a good start explaining why he’s doing it. I note his apology for the term “intermediate,” but that is not such a bad choice of language. I rate translations…
The Definition of Kind Needs Work
There’s a new species of lizard.
Some Thoughts on Intelligent Design
. . . by Bruce Alderman
Something is Wrong in Florida
Hmmm! I would guess nobody is surprised about that. We seem to draw more than our share of attention down in these parts. But I’m seeing three interesting things: We passed a property tax reform bill with the support of our governor. Though I generally like Governor Crist, I voted against it, because I agreed…
Is Come or Has Come in 1 John 4:2
It’s probably a sin, but I simply couldn’t resist. I recorded a video response to a YouTube KJV Only video.
Comparing 1 Peter 3:13
Yesterday I commended the HCSB translation of this verse. Today let me give a couple of other options: HCSB: “And who will harm you if you are passionate for what is good?” REB: “Who is going to do your harm if you are devoted to what is good?” [Doesn’t read well, in my view, even…
Revisiting Acts 17:26
Yesterday I blogged about the HCSB of Acts 17:26, and in particular the portion that reads something like “made of one ______”. The KJV reads “blood” which is one of the textual variants, while the HCSB says “man” which apparently does not occur in any of the ancient manuscripts. Since I read these lectionary texts…
Another View on Christians, Creation, and Evolution
. . . from Lingamish. Speaking of creationists who aren’t stupid. 🙂
Are Creationists Stupid?
Many people get the idea from my posts on evolution that I believe all creationists are stupid or at least irremediably ignorant. In today’s atmosphere, that may be a reasonable view to take from the posts, but I don’t mean it that way, and I don’t intend to accept the current atmosphere. In current American…