Christian Carnival CLII Posted
It’s at Buzz Blog and looks like some good stuff. Go read and stir up the blogosphere!
… even to this Air Force vet’s ears.
My sister sent me a link to a video that I thought was helpful in some ways on this topic. Probably the most important thing here is that panentheism, process theology, and open theism are separate theological positions. Often two of these (panentheism + process & panentheism + open theism [less commonly]) may be held…
It will generally surprise nobody that I am not a fan of penal substitutionary atonement, as I’ve written about it before. I do believe that PSA is one valid metaphor that helps us understand the greater truth that is the atonement. What I object to is making this particular metaphor the central fact of the…
Christian Carnival CLIII has been posted at Lux Venit. It looks good, but I may not have time to look at much this week. Thanks to Leslie for a good job!
… at Check it out!
I’ve updated my blogroll, and now y’all need to know that Adrian Warnock has a new URL (