Jesus Paradigm Giveaway
Details at for the Sake of Truth.
Details at for the Sake of Truth.
I agree with this note which calls this column, titled Prejudiced Danes Provoke Fanaticism, execrable. Freedom of thought requires the freedom to offend, and being offended does not justify violence.
I’ve long thought that the major problem of the media was not so much bias (though bias is evidence) but shallowness. Today Allan Bevere said it much better.
It’s good to see that South Korea has joined those nations who have sent someone into space, in this case the youngest woman to do so. Congratulations! The more the merrier!
Sky McCracken thinks we may not, and has some good thoughts on the matter.
I’ve been posting on this topic over on my Participatory Bible Study Blog, and since it has started to involve religion and society, especially education, I thought I’d call attention to it. I feel a rant coming on about the descent of modern education into irrelevance, but it will have to wait for tomorrow.
Gaegan Goddard’s Political Wire reports that John McCain thinks he will be the last candidate to accept federal matching funds. One of the best savings, though small, we could make at the federal level would be to end public financing and also end all of the regulations on fundraising except for transparency.