Misplaced Grief
My wife has written a post about a family who is suing the wrong people in their grief.
My wife has written a post about a family who is suing the wrong people in their grief.
Since I believe there are still many Moderate Christian Blogroll members who watch this blog, but not the Moderate Christian Blogroll Blog, I’m going to link again to the current status. I have created new RSS feeds that should be including all sites properly. Go to this post to get details.
Adrian Warnock has posted a substantial quote from John Piper on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I believe that Piper’s illustration–which I think is excellent–is in accord with my view that this experience can happen more than once.
… try this idea posted on The Panda’s Thumb. I’ve already declared that I won’t spend money on the film, but it’s a good idea anyhow.
Laura at Pursuing Holiness notes one and presents a course of action. I think bloggers often move past fair use, but news outlets and going way too far the other way.
There’s a new species of lizard.
I hope that this topic gets more attention before the election. Christine has some thoughts here and I share many of her concerns and those expressed in the referenced article.