Working the Blogroll

One reason I enjoy the blogosphere is that it involves an exchange of ideas, often between people who differ a great deal on what they believe. I was pruning out my blogroll yesterday (I only removed defunct blogs), and it occurred to me that the blogroll really is not very meaningless. It contributes to someone’s scorecard on Technorati, perhaps, but often I have very little interaction with the blogs on my blogroll.

So I’m going to try something for awhile. A couple of times each week I’m going to select a blog from my blogroll, look for an interesting post, read it, and respond here. The rules I’ve set for myself are these:

  1. First time through is pretty much random
  2. If there is no recent post with which to interact on the blog, I’ll go on to another and check it later.
  3. I won’t return to a blog until I’ve checked the rest of the roll. (Obviously this does not include ordinary blogging and linking.)
  4. After the first time through I’ll keep the order I worked the blogs through the first time.
  5. I won’t post just a link. I’ll respond in some way to the content of the post.
  6. This only includes posts in my blogroll, not the various larger blogrolls of which I’m a member. The Methodist blogroll is anchored at, the Moderate Christian Blogroll is aggregated at, and I’ll also be doing some linking from the Moderate Christian Blogroll Blog (there’s tongue twister).

I have created a category Blogroll for these posts, so you can either avoid them or make sure you don’t miss any, as the case may be.

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