Papers from the Pericope of the Adulteress Conference
They are announced, publication in April 2016 by T&T Clark.
They are announced, publication in April 2016 by T&T Clark.
I will not be presenting my study on eschatology via Google Hangouts on Air this evening. I will continue on May 12 and May 19 which will conclude this study. I still haven’t decided what my next topic will be. I’m open to suggestions.
I posted this hangout incorrectly in my previous post. The Google+ link is now on my own page, and the correct YouTube viewer is below: I apologize for the confusion!
Well, I hadn’t heard him (as I posted a bit ago), but then Dave Black put this YouTube on his blog. I had to share it. My pastor does take a great deal from Fred Craddock, and acknowledges him just about every Sunday.
I’m going to shamelessly link to a post by Allan Bevere in order to publicize a hangout I’ll be hosting next month. Allan’s post is Once Again, The Civil Religion of the Religious Right AND the Religious Left, and I’m interested because I think Allan might well dispute both of my guests. We tried for…
Update: We had audio problems. This hangout has been rescheduled to June 9, 2015. I’m hosting tonight’s Energion Hangout which is Social Justice: Good or Bad?. I’ll be interviewing Energion authors Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. (What Is Wrong with Social Justice, Preserving Democracy) discusses the impact and value of social justice with Rev. Steve Kindle (Stewardship:…
The Supreme Court did this by declining to hear the case, thus leaving the Appeals Court ruling in place. Article here. HT: FastCompany. As both a publisher and an author, I approve of this decision, especially because I publish many relatively unknown authors. Sometimes it’s hard for me to convince authors that letting people see…
I will not be presenting my study on eschatology via Google Hangouts on Air this evening. I will continue on May 12 and May 19 which will conclude this study. I still haven’t decided what my next topic will be. I’m open to suggestions.
I posted this hangout incorrectly in my previous post. The Google+ link is now on my own page, and the correct YouTube viewer is below: I apologize for the confusion!
Well, I hadn’t heard him (as I posted a bit ago), but then Dave Black put this YouTube on his blog. I had to share it. My pastor does take a great deal from Fred Craddock, and acknowledges him just about every Sunday.
I’m going to shamelessly link to a post by Allan Bevere in order to publicize a hangout I’ll be hosting next month. Allan’s post is Once Again, The Civil Religion of the Religious Right AND the Religious Left, and I’m interested because I think Allan might well dispute both of my guests. We tried for…
Update: We had audio problems. This hangout has been rescheduled to June 9, 2015. I’m hosting tonight’s Energion Hangout which is Social Justice: Good or Bad?. I’ll be interviewing Energion authors Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. (What Is Wrong with Social Justice, Preserving Democracy) discusses the impact and value of social justice with Rev. Steve Kindle (Stewardship:…
The Supreme Court did this by declining to hear the case, thus leaving the Appeals Court ruling in place. Article here. HT: FastCompany. As both a publisher and an author, I approve of this decision, especially because I publish many relatively unknown authors. Sometimes it’s hard for me to convince authors that letting people see…
I will not be presenting my study on eschatology via Google Hangouts on Air this evening. I will continue on May 12 and May 19 which will conclude this study. I still haven’t decided what my next topic will be. I’m open to suggestions.
I posted this hangout incorrectly in my previous post. The Google+ link is now on my own page, and the correct YouTube viewer is below: I apologize for the confusion!
Henry, I’m wondering why this pericope has captured the attention of scholars. Is there more to this than a mystery to be solved?
Well, I attended a conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where one of the organizers was Dave Black. I found it very technically interesting, though I didn’t really change my mind about that much. I would still say that it’s good to preach it, but that I don’t think it was originally in its current place in John. The papers from the conference, however, are quite detailed and complex!
The provenance is very uncertain, but the passage has a feel of authenticity.
I love the fact that Jesus sets the woman free before suggesting repentance – which is the reverse of so much preaching.