Brian Fulthorp
. . . joins the fun.
. . . joins the fun.
Yesterday I changed physical servers for this blog. My plan included posting a message before it went down and then posting another when it returned, but somehow that slipped my mind in all the fun of transferring databases and correcting for a slightly different version of PHP in some of my scripts. (WordPress transferred completely…
I haven’t been very active on this blog or anywhere else over the last few weeks. That’s because work for my business has gotten pretty heavy. I even had to work with a cover designer via phone and e-mail while I entered his designs into the computer. Not being a very graphically oriented person made…
I’m going to take a break from my Thursday night studies on Paul and resume them on the first Thursday evening of the new year, January 5, 2017. I simply have too many things to complete for the publishing business before the end of the year and do not have the time to prepare properly….
Threads from Henry’s Web is now being aggregated in the Unright Christian Blogs aggregator. I appreciate this service. To quote its purpose: Sometimes you come across the assumption that “Christian”, by definition, means “conservative”. This blog aggregator is an attempt to show that this assumption is far from true. This will not draw away from…
I really have nothing to add to this, but I do want to make sure it gets maximum publicity: Libya vs. Evolutionary Science: Will the Tripoli Six be sentenced to death by firing squad? There are five nurses and a doctor on trial in Lybia for spreading AIDS, and it’s clear that they have done…
A commenter asks why I have all the spiders in my header and even suggests that there would be many other cool pictures I could use, thus avoiding the spiders. Let me tell you the story of this blog. Actually it started before I began using blogging software. I would just post essays. A friend…