More on Inerrancy
I’ve just added a couple of good links and some brief notes on inerrancy at my Threads blog.
I’ve just added a couple of good links and some brief notes on inerrancy at my Threads blog.
Here are a few links to stuff that caught my attention, but won’t be getting more comment from me. Don’t miss this picture I think that Joe Carter is way too worked up over this. It’s a pin, after all. I’d take mine off, but then I’ve never worn one. Peter Kirk reports on some…
Bob Cornwall has some great meditations on the lectionary texts for Epiphany 4B, which relate to the topic of When People Speak for God. The emphasis is on hearing. I maintain that hearing is most often neglected. We often debate about whether the word is inerrant while ignoring whether our understanding of it can ever…
Allan Bevere has posted the first edition of his new Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup, numbered #93 in succession from Locusts and Honey. Check it out!
Allan Bevere has again done the hard work and posted this weeks MBWR.
In a previous post in my series on Christian view on origins, Biblical Doctrine of Creation, I listed six elements of a Biblical doctrine of creation. I need to specify this more precisely as a Biblical doctrine of creation based on the Christian Bible and on one or another Christian approach to Biblical interpretation. Excursus…
Every so often it’s fun to look through an ICR document or so. It’s so nostalgic, considering that this was the sort of stuff that I found very convincing when I was young. I would like to emphasize that this is not by any means the definition of Christianity. It’s just some of the noisiest….