The Swerve – Too Close to the Truth
… like right there!
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
(HT: Language Log)
… like right there!
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | ||| | ||||
(HT: Language Log)
I didn’t want to comment on the murder of 49 people in Orlando, not because I don’t sympathize with the victims or condemn the killing, but because I dislike getting tangled up in politics on this blog. If a Christian commits an illegal act, we often separate him (or her) from “our” Christianity, or even…
Over and over I’ve heard the refrain, “The invention of the _________ is causing the deterioration of society because it _______.” The technology may be rapid transport, from the steam driven train to the airplane, or communications from radio to television to the internet, or any other form of technology. The internet is a favorite…
In an opinion piece in Newsweek, titled Perception is Everything, Eleanor Clift comments that due to the fumbling of the Bush administration on several issues, scandals in congress, and the resulting low approval ratings for the Bush administration, all that may be necessary for the Democrats to sweep congress would be just to show up….
Gaegan Goddard’s Political Wire reports that John McCain thinks he will be the last candidate to accept federal matching funds. One of the best savings, though small, we could make at the federal level would be to end public financing and also end all of the regulations on fundraising except for transparency.
The American Family Association is continuing its campaign against The Book of Daniel on NBC. I just received another e-mail calling on me not to watch the show, of course, but also to ask my local affiliate to stop airing it, and also to ask the advertisers not to sponsor it. In support of this,…
This is written to my American readers. Please go out and vote int he midterm elections tomorrow. I say this irrespective of your political views. There are a number of groups who are more likely to vote in presidential elections and then ignore the “less important” midterm and local elections. But that is not the…