Biblical Studies Carnival XLVI Posted
… at Hebrew and Greek Reader.
… at Hebrew and Greek Reader.
There will be a Christian Carnival the day after Christmas, and it will be right here. Be sure to submit your posts. You can find the links to the carnival and the form at the bottom of the right sidebar.
. . . sometime this afternoon. Thanks for the submissions!
The Biblical Studies Carnival has always been somewhat above your average blog carnival, and the December carnival at kol-haadam is above the average even for a Biblical Studies carnival. One nice feature is a separate listing for book reviews, which I have to mention since it links to a review of Ephesians: A Participatory Study…
… at Fish and Cans. I am overwhelmed with work and didn’t get around to making a submission, but there’s bunches of good stuff. Folks who have been reading my work on inerrancy either here or at my Threads blog should see Jeremy Pierce’s contribution
The Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup has been posted. Thanks to Allan Bevere for his hard work. I’m doing today what I wish I always had time to do, which is look at a bunch of the posts and pick out some of my own highlights. These don’t coincide with the “Best of the Methodist Blogosphere”…
The biblioblog rankings have been posted, with this blog at #18. Of course, the rankings are available live all the time these days, so I guess the end of month rankings are less important than they used to be, but still …. What surprised me, after not looking at the rankings for some time, was…