Is Seminary Necessary?
Sky McCracken thinks we may not, and has some good thoughts on the matter.
Sky McCracken thinks we may not, and has some good thoughts on the matter.
And a well worthwhile read it is (or they are).
Dave Faulkner has commented here on posts about the Lakeland Revival, and he has a new article looking at some of the healing and even resurrection claims. He hasn’t come to sweeping conclusions, but is certainly asking the right questions. It’s worth a read, if you’re interested in the topic.
Al Qaeda’s #2 has called on Americans to embrace Islam, presumably his version. Um, no thanks. Even melting down, we’re better off. Oh, and by the way, Muslim calls to embrace Islam bring memories of Muslim conquest, not to mention recent terror attacks, just as Christian calls to convert the whole Muslim world bring back…
This is funny. And thought provoking.
. . . at Lingamish. [Note: Linked post withdrawn by author Lingamish.] Well worth reading.
His bill would require restaurants not to serve certain things to people who are obese. You know, those teenagers behind the counter at McDonalds would determine whether you are obese or not. More here at Junk Food Science with hat tips to The Agitator and Dispatches.