The Opening of ID Season
Intelligent Design, that is, in the Florida Legislature. Early details on the Florida Citizens for Science Blog.
Intelligent Design, that is, in the Florida Legislature. Early details on the Florida Citizens for Science Blog.
… discussing the John Webb Winter Golf Tournament, which is what consumes our family at this time of year. Take a look. It’s a good cause.
. . . has moved here. It’s worth a look just for the header picture. The subtitle is “Dinosaurs and the Bible DONT MIX!!!”
… or not. Since I’m a fan of NCIS, I couldn’t resist linking to this post on The Austringer. I definitely didn’t know any of that stuff!
Q: Why did the Arkansas house pass this bill?
Mark Olson responded to my post Why the Creation-Evolution Controvery is Important with a post of his own, Barbarians at the Gate. It appears that was his gentle way of telling me that I’m a bit over the top, at least about my comment on the assault on the integrity of science. Kudos to Mark…
Charles Jones has a post a Power of Suggestion in which he notes the following: But evolution cant allow things, because its unguided. And it cant make any mistakes, because it makes no decisions. Take note: whenever people try to explain how something happens through evolution, they always resort to the language of design. Now…