Dan Wallace Reposts on Post Cartoon
You can find his further thoughts again at Reclaiming the Mind. If you read the first one, you should read this one as well.
You can find his further thoughts again at Reclaiming the Mind. If you read the first one, you should read this one as well.
. . . by Bruce Alderman
… though not of the best movie–by far. (HT: The Agitator)
Steve Matheson regarding Chapter 6 of Steven Meyer’s Signature in the Cell: “It’s short, unimportant and uninteresting.” That will show him!
Darrell Pursiful at Dr. Platypus is requesting short definitions from those who accept or use the language of inerrancy in describing the Bible. Shorter, definitely, than the Chicago statement. Though I don’t qualify, even though my definition of inspiration has been called inerrancy, I thought I’d pass this on.
… from Dr. Stephen Matheson of Quintessence of Dust. This is a good series, and I’ve been missing the continuation. Welcome back, Dr. Matheson!
A while back I wrote The Real War on Christmas. Now Thomas at Everyday Liturgy has called this stuff what it is–idolatry.