Questions on Judges 4:1-7
Here are some questions that came to mind as I studied Judges 4:1-7.
1. Why does the lectionary reading end where it does? Would the passage bring a different lesson if one read on to where Barak requires Deborah to accompany him before he’ll go?
2. Does this passage provide a universal justification for women in church and national leadership? Why or why not? Note that many take Paul’s comments on women in church leadership as universal, yet on this passage–not so much!
3. How does “God sold them” fit with your (our?) sense of justice? Is hardship always (generally, often, rarely) caused by God’s direct action rather than by the Devil or other forces of evil?
4. Why does God choose to act through such limited instruments? Could he not make things right more immediately and efficiently considering he’s the one who “sold them” into their current situation? This question could be applied in many places.