Headline Bias
While I’m at talking about the auto industry, how about the following headline from MNSBC.com:
Republicans to Detroit: Drop dead
Biased? Read the article yourself and see if that’s what the Republicans in question were saying.
While I’m at talking about the auto industry, how about the following headline from MNSBC.com:
Biased? Read the article yourself and see if that’s what the Republicans in question were saying.
… from Dr. Stephen Matheson of Quintessence of Dust. This is a good series, and I’ve been missing the continuation. Welcome back, Dr. Matheson!
Pseudo-Polymath has posted on Christian duty and health care, and used one of my quotes, though I’m not sure what the relevance of the quote is. His comments, however, are interest, and are making me think. As the son of a missionary MD (father) and RN (mother) I’m very interested in the topic and may…
They’re looking for people who resell recalled items. To be fair, I must note that they’re paying the most attention to the big boys, like Goodwill. (HT: The Agitator)
Jason has weighed in on this topic here. He has some interesting points that merit a response, but due to a stack of other things I need to respond to I’ll have to just point you there to enjoy what he has to say.
Through a Glass Darkly expresses appreciation for Al Mohler’s advice on educating his kids. Well, maybe not so much! 🙂
Bias in the media? Media bias against Republicans? That’s a trick question, right?
I don’t care if it is biased – the republicans are right on this one and they should stand by what they are saying.