Bug Report

(HT: The Christian Cynic in a comment on Dispatches.)
(HT: The Christian Cynic in a comment on Dispatches.)
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
Who could doubt the words of the Bishop of Durham now? (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)
Just to be honest, I probably would have in any case. Tony from Thoughts from the Heart on the Left tagged me with the meme created by L. L. Barkat, so here goes, as I break rules. I’m going to copy the rules from Tony’s post rather than the original, just to be a bit…
Well, I am fully aware of the irony of my posting this right after I write a post about getting more substantive, but I really can’t resist. Besides, the tip of my (floppy) hat goes to Eddie Arthur, so it’s really all his fault. It seems that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary wants to wear different…
Frequently I see the challenge to outrage on blogs or even occasionally in print media. It goes something like this: Group A has been very outraged by X, the horror of which is minimized by the writer. The writer describes something that outrages him or her, surely much more horrible than X, and wonders if…
I was tempted to title this “What we REALLY mean when we sing those praise songs.” HT: Peter Kirk.
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
Who could doubt the words of the Bishop of Durham now? (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)
Just to be honest, I probably would have in any case. Tony from Thoughts from the Heart on the Left tagged me with the meme created by L. L. Barkat, so here goes, as I break rules. I’m going to copy the rules from Tony’s post rather than the original, just to be a bit…
Well, I am fully aware of the irony of my posting this right after I write a post about getting more substantive, but I really can’t resist. Besides, the tip of my (floppy) hat goes to Eddie Arthur, so it’s really all his fault. It seems that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary wants to wear different…
Frequently I see the challenge to outrage on blogs or even occasionally in print media. It goes something like this: Group A has been very outraged by X, the horror of which is minimized by the writer. The writer describes something that outrages him or her, surely much more horrible than X, and wonders if…
I was tempted to title this “What we REALLY mean when we sing those praise songs.” HT: Peter Kirk.
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
Who could doubt the words of the Bishop of Durham now? (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)