Doggy Oaths
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
And now for a rare humor break: Reminds me of all the things people think I should be able to do because I read Greek.
This morning I want to get a bit personal, which I don’t usually do on this blog, but this is something important and close to my heart. Many of my readers already know that my son James Webb (step-son for you people who get technical) passed away in 2004 after a five year battle with…
And what is ALGNT? I’m glad you asked! That’s Aprenda a Leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento. Thomas Hudgins has just forwarded the latest round of corrections. You haven’t lived until you’ve laid out a Greek grammar written in Spanish, always assuming Spanish is, for you as for me, a second language.
Too funny! (Hat tip: Jim West)
I love both of these performances. Some music to get the brain cells moving along!
David Ker has written a book, and it has lots of pictures of hippos in it. Since my very favorite song is “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas,” this means that I truly adore the book. Besides, I’m only about a decade late taking notice of it. Now I haven’t actually read the book, but…
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This shouldn’t be an issue for those of you who believe that an infant can repent of sins and turn to Christ, the preconditions for baptism, with the parents and godparents making commitments more serious than any oath, and the infant perhaps assenting with a cry.
Hmm. But will my dog ever make it through confirmation? 🙂
I’m sure I can find an Anglican bishop who will confirm him! As for ordination of dogs or canine bishops, I wonder which province will take that step first, or perhaps someone thinks it has been taken already – and I don’t mean to refer to a possible interpretation of Deuteronomy 23:18 and Revelation 22:15.
Things are worse than I thought. At Lambeth it looks like the newly consecrated bishops will be not dogs but rabbits!
The rabbit has the appropriate facial expression for a bishop. 🙂