Malpractice or Malpraxis?
Here is another interesting view on the pastoral malpractice post relating to PSA.
Here is another interesting view on the pastoral malpractice post relating to PSA.
David Ker has taken on the world at, or so it probably seems to him. The comments provide some additional links and some vigorous comment.
Doug Rea says all churches should be seeker sensitive, but who is seeking?
An excellent cartoon at Language Log. If you’re into language and you don’t read Language Log, you’re missing something.
Read some of the comments from other, not anonymous McCain staffers here.
And a stellar one it is. This discussion is sponsored by Florida Citizens for Science. You can find details here.
As if objective journalism was the rule before blogs came along to “steal” newspaper content. I agree with Ed Brayton, who also quotes Radley Balko on this one.