If You Miss Expelled . . .
… try this idea posted on The Panda’s Thumb. I’ve already declared that I won’t spend money on the film, but it’s a good idea anyhow.
A few weeks ago someone asked me to post my college paper on the genealogies of Genesis 5 & 11. This was the paper that started me on the road away from young earth creationism. It is actually not very earthshattering, but it did start my thinking.
I hope that this topic gets more attention before the election. Christine has some thoughts here and I share many of her concerns and those expressed in the referenced article.
I often read a few lines of these scam e-mails just because they are so poorly written. Today I got a new one purporting to be from one “Sgt. David Brown” a “U. S. Marine Capt.” in Iraq. The stupid scammers should spend more time on research.
. . . in NRO. Quoth he: “The ‘intelligent design’ hoax is not merely non-science, nor even merely anti-science; it is anti-civilization.”
. . . is a necessary part of free speech. Laura has it right: I dont have much in common with Brigitte Bardot, an elderly French actress, or Pat Condell, a British atheist, or with Kathy Shaidle, Ezra Levant, and Mark Steyn, a partial list of Canadians whose free speech is endangered. Except this: a…
As if objective journalism was the rule before blogs came along to “steal” newspaper content. I agree with Ed Brayton, who also quotes Radley Balko on this one.