
MyBibleVersion.com – Comparison against a Base Version (Alpha)

In response to a comment, I have added a page that will allow you to choose a base Bible version (whatever you prefer) and get a list of all other available versions based on how much they differ from that. The page is http://www.mybibleversion.com/compare.php. The default version is the NRSV if you don’t specify. There is a drop down box listing all available versions after the list of characteristics.

I can’t emphasize enough that this is ALPHA software. Please watch for bugs, large and small, and report them via comments to this post. Requests for features are welcome, though time to implementation may vary wildly.

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  1. I have plans to add the ability to list and rank your own versions, but it will be at least Thursday before I get to really work on that part and maybe longer.

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