A Nice Display of Sportsmanship

As a U. S. Air Force veteran, I’m always happy to see the Air Force Academy Falcons do well in football games, and this afternoon I was able to enjoy watching them beat Notre Dame. Now I’m no Notre Dame fan, but they’re part of this as well.

Following the game, the Cadets face the drum and bugle corps for a tribute to those who have lost their lives in service to their country. The Notre Dame players lined up behind them. Then the whole thing was reversed for the Notre Dame band and song.

It was nice to see the players shake hands informally on the field as well. I know this also happens with the Navy/Notre Dame game. It may be a small thing, but I found the respect shown encouraging.

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One Comment

  1. That’s one nice thing about ice hockey…no matter the brutality during the game, afterwards both teams line up and formally shake each and every hand of the opposing team.

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