July 4
I’m not doing a separate post her for July 4. I posted a story on my Jevlir Caravansary posing some questions about obedience, patriotism, and morality. You can post any comments about not quitting my day job there!
I’m not doing a separate post her for July 4. I posted a story on my Jevlir Caravansary posing some questions about obedience, patriotism, and morality. You can post any comments about not quitting my day job there!
Here’s your illustration. Liberals loved Nate Silver because he calculated that Barack Obama would win the presidency, among other things. Conservatives didn’t like him so much. Now conservatives are pointing to the poor odds, though 60-40 is a ratio many politicians would covet. I love Nate Silver not because of who he supports but because…
… if they’re not used after two years. What can possibly make this a good idea? (HT: The Agitator).
The American Freedom Agenda sounds like a very interesting new group with a positive agenda, in my view. Many of the principals have fine, long-term credentials in American conservative politics. Their material is worth a look. HT: Dispatches from the Culture Wars.
Every few days I get an e-mail from one or another Christian group that wants me to boycott something or try to get someone else to boycott. Though most of the e-mails I get are from conservatives, liberals are by no means immune to the urge to boycott. I’m not a boycotter. I don’t even…
Well, I wasn’t going to vote for [tag]Mike Huckabee[/tag] anyhow, and since I’m not Republican he’d have to get the Republican nomination before it would get on my horizon, but still here’s another reason: Chuck Norris has endorsed him. I last mentioned Chuck Norris in my post Sneaking God into Public Schools. On the other…
One who covers up hatred by lying, And one who spreads defamation is stupid. — Proverbs 10:18 (my translation, but try any version you like) I’m often interested in the portions of the Bible that some Christians think they must follow, and what portions many Christians think they can avoid. For example, right now many…