Importance of Correct Procedure

On both sides of the political spectrum, and even in the middle, we tend to elevate particular policies over the procedures. I think it is very dangerous to do so. This type of thing has occurred in abortion (use of RICO, free speech issues), various federalism issues, and quite commonly in church-state issues.

Ed (Dispatches) obviously got my attention today as this is the second link to him this morning, but he comments on a brief in the Libby case in which a broad group of scholars filed a brief making a procedural point. Those who want Libby in jail have responded predictably. If the shoe were on the other foot, of course, the response would be different.

We all need to consider how we would feel if these things were applied to us personally. Supposing a federal official were used improper powers to get you. Would you think it was inappropriate to complain about those powers? The golden rule requires us to consider how our actions would impact others, and how the things we do to them or advocate having done to them would feel if they happened to us.

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