Cubs as the Suffering Servant?

OK, as the parent of a Chicago Cubs player (John Webb, currently with the AAA Iowa Cubs), I have to link to this great post about baseball, God’s game. (HT to Moderate Christian Blogroll member Come to the waters.)

Of course, pay particular attention to this:

8. It has its Suffering Servant, viz. the Chicago Cubs, the “Cubbies,” a team annually “like a sheep led to the slaughter” (and crucial to the game is the play called the “sacrifice”). But “Cub fans love the Cubs, warts and all, no questions asked. This quality is called faith” (Peter Glenbock).

Of course my totally objective opinion is that the Cubs will win the world series again when they call John up. (I remind people that as a stepfather I am not subject to the normal failings of parents who have exaggerated opinions of their children’s abilities.) He has some big league time, but that was with the Devil Rays, not the Cubs.

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