If True, This is Good
Public pressure is sometimes a good thing, as shown by this story on Rep. Jefferson. See my previous comment.
Public pressure is sometimes a good thing, as shown by this story on Rep. Jefferson. See my previous comment.
I’m sure it’s a requirement that political commentators try to discover trends in voting patterns. It’s also not surprising that they try to make those trends deal with either the Democratic or the Republican parties. But I think that they simply don’t comprehend the meaning of “independent.” I’m just one independent voter. I won’t register…
I think this article is great, and quite accurate, from my non-expert perspective: Why Anti-Authoritarians Are Diagnosed as Mentally Ill
Readers of this blog know that I preferred our current president over his opponent in the election. After the bailout fiasco, I would have dearly loved to have had a candidate who actually opposed the whole idea. McCain bleated about socialism, but I honestly don’t believe he could have identified a capitalist or a socialist…
I like to think of myself as a patriot, but then there are times when I shy away from the term because of some things that are done in the name of patriotism. I served my country in uniform, even while disagreeing with many of the policies of my government. Despite any disagreements, I carried…
I’m not going to be blacked out here, but I thought I’d just mention that I also oppose the bills (PIPA, SOPA) that are going through congress. Our representatives simply have no idea whatever what a reasonable burden is. Their view is that if a multi-billion dollar corporation or a large government agency could handle…
It’s 9/11 and the events eight years ago are on most people’s minds. Many Christians will be praying today, as my wife wrote in her devotional. What will those prayers consist of? What is a Christian response? Shortly before the second gulf war began, I wrote an essay simply titled Revenge! I want to quote…