Energy: Walking and Talking
In an article titled Renewable Energy: Blowing in the Wind, Newsweek reports that a number of companies, including Aspen Ski Company in Colorado, are buying wind energy, in effect, putting their money where their mouth is. I’m not commenting on this story to talk about energy, though I’m very interested in that topic, as I think every American should be. I want to call attention to the type of actions involved.
These companies would not be so anxious to take these actions if there weren’t people like you and me who see what they have done as a positive thing, and who will remember them and their actions when it’s time to make marketplace decisions. I take this as an indication that small, individual actions can easily accumulate into real change. Perhaps these few purchases of wind energy are only a drop in the bucket, but they provide additional impetus to wind energy, they call attention to the possibility of finding alternative energy sources, and these little things build up.
Don’t forget to take those small actions today, even when they don’t seem to make much difference. Most of the good in our world has been the result of accumulations of small actions.