Holy Week Devotions
I’m sticking largely with the Good Friday lectionary this week for the devotionals I’m writing for my wife’s list. The first two are Watching and Waiting and Restoring Broken Things. They will continue each week day.
I’m sticking largely with the Good Friday lectionary this week for the devotionals I’m writing for my wife’s list. The first two are Watching and Waiting and Restoring Broken Things. They will continue each week day.
They’re looking for people who resell recalled items. To be fair, I must note that they’re paying the most attention to the big boys, like Goodwill. (HT: The Agitator)
This from An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution. Of course I use the honourable spelling for honourable in honour of Canadian connections. He links to my post Theisms, Creationisms, and Evolutionisms: An Exercise in Definition. I appreciate the mention and link. Since I have been writing a good bit on Dawkins, and linking to other material…
On my Participatory Bible Study blog I asked a question and linked to Bob McDonald (Bob’s Log) in the hope he would answer. He did, in the comments. Read the post for the question, the comments for the answer and supporting data.
I like to highlight three or four posts from the Christian Carnival when I have the time. I usually do so in the post linking to it (if I remember to do so at all), but I forgot today, so here comes another “link” post. My first highlight is host Diane R’s Yes, We Can,…
In pursuing the laudable goal of keeping lead out of children’s it looks like congress may have been just as thoughtful as usual. More on evangelical outpost.
Here is another interesting view on the pastoral malpractice post relating to PSA.