Quote of the Day
Messages are only as useful as the audience they reach … — Joshua Darr, FiveThirtyEight.com
Just so! And even though that comes from a post about politics, I’m not thinking politics here.
Messages are only as useful as the audience they reach … — Joshua Darr, FiveThirtyEight.com
Just so! And even though that comes from a post about politics, I’m not thinking politics here.
He did this.
I don’t know how it happened, but when I moved my WordPress installation to this server, comment moderation was turned on and the settings reverted to registration required. This represents an error on my part (though I’m not sure just what), not a change in policy. Moderation is again off and any user can comment.
Laura (Pursuing Holiness) and I started discussing civility in debate about politics in a couple of comment exchanges and have continued via e-mail. As a result she proposed the idea of a blogroll and aggregator to support civil debate. In particular, we are challenging Christians to follow Christian principles in speaking the truth in love….
All the posts have been restored, but I tried to get creative, and to put it generously, the results were not quite what I planned. I have some comments to restore yet. If you commented between February 15 and February 26, it’s possible your comment isn’t there. I do have your comment, however, and will…
Just to get a taste of what is available on the blogs covered by the Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator, let me give you a list of the most recent posts, in the order in which they appeared when I viewed the aggregator, with the exception of my own blogs. Note that blogs are randomized with…
The Christian Carnival CLIV has been posted at From the Anchor Hold. It’s another nice selection and a good job by the host. I didn’t get a submission in because I was out of town and away from a good internet connection, but I hope to have time to call attention to some particular posts….