Quote of the Day
Messages are only as useful as the audience they reach … — Joshua Darr, FiveThirtyEight.com
Just so! And even though that comes from a post about politics, I’m not thinking politics here.
Messages are only as useful as the audience they reach … — Joshua Darr, FiveThirtyEight.com
Just so! And even though that comes from a post about politics, I’m not thinking politics here.
I’ve replaced my poll on Origen with a new one, this time asking what reason causes you to spend the most time reading the Bible. I’m interested in the results. In my personal experience I have heard people express all of these reasons. You’ll find the poll in the right sidebar.
OK, these are not that closely related, but the Christian Carnival will appear here tomorrow, and it will be evening before it appears. I will announce the winner of the Mosaic Bible giveaway at the same time.
Christian Carnival #138 has been posted over at Thoughts of a Gyrovague. Again, it looks like some fun stuff. Last time I only managed to link to and comment on four posts, I believe, but I read and intended to comment on lots more. Does that count? 🙂
I have added a category “Lectionary” to all the (relevant) blogs to which I contribute. That includes my big three (see the sidebar) along with a couple of group blogs, one merely shared with my wife. Some years ago before I had a blog I tried to keep up with creating a new page each…
I combined two errors in my moderation queue. On my Threads from Henry’s Web blog I only moderate comments that have certain indicators for spam. I have thus far only seen one valid comment sent to moderation. Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention when setting up this blog and both turned on stronger moderation and entered…
The Evangelical Ecologist points to some interesting material on the possibility of getting fuel for energy from the moon. It seems to me that space exploration will really take off when we find an economic reason to go there. Spin-off technology is just not that likely to light up people’s life, and fundamental research is…