Mosaic Study Bible Contest Closed

I have only four entries, but the contest is closed.  Thus, for the four of you who entered, I must say that 1 in 4 is a better chance than you are likely to get in any lottery.

Considering the large number of reads of the relevant posts, I’m guessing my question put some people off, but that’s how it goes.  I will announce the winner on Wednesday afternoon, when I post the Christian Carnival, which I’m hosting here this week.

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One Comment

  1. We would like to invite you to join NLT’s Breakthrough to Clarity Contest and Giveaways. Everyone is going to get their own NLT Gospel of John Bible Study as a gift. Share also your experience with the NLT Bible and you can win a NLT Study Bible and up to 100 NLT Bibles for your church. The biggest prize of all is a trip to the Holy Land which you can share to 3 of your friends and then experience the paths that Jesus walked.

    Contest ends Dec. 18th, so we hope to receive your entries soon! =)

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