Ordination Humor
Ten reason why men shouldn’t be ordained … from a Salvation Army cadet.
Ten reason why men shouldn’t be ordained … from a Salvation Army cadet.
A few days ago, the Internet Monk was believing (and not believing) things, and today Moderate Christian Blogroll member SHARP IRON is doubting 20 things. Do you agree with his list?
They were obviously there before, but they’re more important because we know about them. I do love this sort of discovery. (See Greg Laden’s Blog for more.)
. . . in NRO. Quoth he: “The ‘intelligent design’ hoax is not merely non-science, nor even merely anti-science; it is anti-civilization.”
I ended up with a copy of this almost by accident, and have written some notes. While I’m not overly impressed by it, I see no reason for the controversy. Notes are here.
… or as soon afterward as practicable, read this. (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)
The nature of a free press is not that it is always right, always responsible, or required to print what any person or group wants, but that it is free. It can challenge authority and it can be challenged.
A few days ago, the Internet Monk was believing (and not believing) things, and today Moderate Christian Blogroll member SHARP IRON is doubting 20 things. Do you agree with his list?
They were obviously there before, but they’re more important because we know about them. I do love this sort of discovery. (See Greg Laden’s Blog for more.)
. . . in NRO. Quoth he: “The ‘intelligent design’ hoax is not merely non-science, nor even merely anti-science; it is anti-civilization.”
I ended up with a copy of this almost by accident, and have written some notes. While I’m not overly impressed by it, I see no reason for the controversy. Notes are here.
… or as soon afterward as practicable, read this. (HT: Pseudo-Polymath.)
The nature of a free press is not that it is always right, always responsible, or required to print what any person or group wants, but that it is free. It can challenge authority and it can be challenged.
A few days ago, the Internet Monk was believing (and not believing) things, and today Moderate Christian Blogroll member SHARP IRON is doubting 20 things. Do you agree with his list?
They were obviously there before, but they’re more important because we know about them. I do love this sort of discovery. (See Greg Laden’s Blog for more.)