Fear and Response (Easter 2B)

Scriptures: Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; (John 20:19-31)

There are two major responses to fear in a group.  One is to gather together and seek mutual support.  The other is to scatter, with each individual seeking his own safety.

One can see this in action in military history.  Many military leaders have recognized the importance of morale.  Napoleon, writing on St. Helena, said:  “Moral force rather than numbers, decides victory” (source).

“Like a mighty army / moves the church of God . . .” or maybe not so much.  How do we do with “morale” or “moral force?”  Are we looking to numbers or budgets most, or are we looking at the strategy, with the power and the principles that are behind it?

At the crucifixion, the disciples scattered.  Afterward, they began to come together, to present “moral force.”  At first they didn’t have numbers.  All they had was their unity and their commitment.

How does your church congregation measure up?

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