Back in Action – 2009

Well, I fell behind during the Christmas break and didn’t keep up with posting.  I did keep up with reading, and I may even post some of my thoughts on the older passages as I have time.  I hope you won’t mind finding those in the feed. Today I will post some overviews of the lectionary passages for the Baptism of Jesus.

But there is one useful feature of this site that works even when I’m not posting myself.  Each day I scan hundreds of blogs and feeds that relate to the Bible, Christianity, religion in general, and how these interact with society.  I tag various ones of them.  One of the groups I tag is those that are related to the lectionary and appear useful.

You will find two lists in the right hand sidebar.  The first lists those posts on the lectionary that I have written elsewhere.  In general, I will link to these here in specific articles, but this provides a summary.  But below that you will find my selections of lectionary passages.  I don’t take these by any automatic tagging system.  If a post is there it means I at least scanned it, and thought it would be useful to those who teach, preach, or write on the lectionary.

Watch here also for links that will offer you the chance to discuss the passages in the forum at

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