Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
John Hobbins thinks Jim West’s blogging style is “morally crude.” I confess that I find Jim West’s style mildly annoying, such that I don’t usually bother to read the most popular and prolific biblioblogger except on rare occasions, but he does hit the nail on the head at times. I read somewhere that there are…
Watching the debate about the Michigan and Florida primaries has been instructive in many ways. I’ve previously noted that I come at it from two different angles. First, the states broke the rules and thus deserve to be penalized, though why this penalty should be complete elimination of the delegation I don’t know. Second, the…
It’s over, it went well. What more is there to say? Well, I said a good deal on the Pacesetters Bible School News blog, so go there for more. You can start here.
Christian Carnival CXLVI is now up, hosted by Evangelical Ecologist. I’ll take a close look at it once my Threads and Participatory Bible Study blogs are back from the never-never land of server problems. I apologize to anyone who tried to come here while the server was down, but at this point we’re temporarily redirected…
I’ve been posted much less this week than I have in the past. In fact, I haven’t posted yet this week, which is a miracle of silence on my part! The reason of all this undue restraint is that it has been quite a week. I’m posting now from a new computer. This isn’t really…
I had some site problems over the last couple of days, but they are finally fixed. If you have trouble accessing any pages, please let me know.
John Hobbins thinks Jim West’s blogging style is “morally crude.” I confess that I find Jim West’s style mildly annoying, such that I don’t usually bother to read the most popular and prolific biblioblogger except on rare occasions, but he does hit the nail on the head at times. I read somewhere that there are…
Watching the debate about the Michigan and Florida primaries has been instructive in many ways. I’ve previously noted that I come at it from two different angles. First, the states broke the rules and thus deserve to be penalized, though why this penalty should be complete elimination of the delegation I don’t know. Second, the…
It’s over, it went well. What more is there to say? Well, I said a good deal on the Pacesetters Bible School News blog, so go there for more. You can start here.
Christian Carnival CXLVI is now up, hosted by Evangelical Ecologist. I’ll take a close look at it once my Threads and Participatory Bible Study blogs are back from the never-never land of server problems. I apologize to anyone who tried to come here while the server was down, but at this point we’re temporarily redirected…
I’ve been posted much less this week than I have in the past. In fact, I haven’t posted yet this week, which is a miracle of silence on my part! The reason of all this undue restraint is that it has been quite a week. I’m posting now from a new computer. This isn’t really…
I had some site problems over the last couple of days, but they are finally fixed. If you have trouble accessing any pages, please let me know.
John Hobbins thinks Jim West’s blogging style is “morally crude.” I confess that I find Jim West’s style mildly annoying, such that I don’t usually bother to read the most popular and prolific biblioblogger except on rare occasions, but he does hit the nail on the head at times. I read somewhere that there are…
Watching the debate about the Michigan and Florida primaries has been instructive in many ways. I’ve previously noted that I come at it from two different angles. First, the states broke the rules and thus deserve to be penalized, though why this penalty should be complete elimination of the delegation I don’t know. Second, the…
And to you as well, my friend!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!