Sabbath Rest
Yesterday I wrote a post about the Sabbath. John, at Locusts and Honey, found a LOLCat that says it better.
Yesterday I wrote a post about the Sabbath. John, at Locusts and Honey, found a LOLCat that says it better.
There’s a new species of lizard.
Gaegan Goddard’s Political Wire reports that John McCain thinks he will be the last candidate to accept federal matching funds. One of the best savings, though small, we could make at the federal level would be to end public financing and also end all of the regulations on fundraising except for transparency.
Legalize Pot (HT: Dispatches). Less law enforcement, less jail expenses, more revenue from taxing the legalized sales. Win, win, win.
Dave Warnock says emphatically NO!
You know when you get those feelings, like boot camps will reduce juvenile crime, drug raids reduce drug use, or the comments are slowing down on your blog? Do as David Ker did, and find out if you’re right! (Note to David: I absolutely couldn’t resist posting this. I tried. Really!)
A while back I wrote The Real War on Christmas. Now Thomas at Everyday Liturgy has called this stuff what it is–idolatry.