I’m not generally presuppositionalist myself, but this post in an interesting discussion on young earth creationism is part of an interesting discussion. Check it out.
I’m not generally presuppositionalist myself, but this post in an interesting discussion on young earth creationism is part of an interesting discussion. Check it out.
I’ll be out of town at the Charisma Book Expo in Atlanta Georgia from today, September 26 through Monday October 2. I will be stopping by to check comments and so forth as I have time, but I don’t expect to make new entries. As the owner of a small and new business, Energion Publications,…
… always consider the sampling error when you report the difference between successive polls. News organizations have been getting some better, in my subjective view, in noting when a result is within the sampling error in a particular poll, but they still report increases or decreases in a lead without that note. If a candidate…
I have added a category “Lectionary” to all the (relevant) blogs to which I contribute. That includes my big three (see the sidebar) along with a couple of group blogs, one merely shared with my wife. Some years ago before I had a blog I tried to keep up with creating a new page each…
If you’re seeing this, the server change is complete at least from your point of view. The nameservers may play their games for a little while, but that shouldn’t make too much difference once you’re here. I’ll get to some more post soon.
The Christian Carnival CLIV has been posted at From the Anchor Hold. It’s another nice selection and a good job by the host. I didn’t get a submission in because I was out of town and away from a good internet connection, but I hope to have time to call attention to some particular posts….
Laura (Pursuing Holiness) and I started discussing civility in debate about politics in a couple of comment exchanges and have continued via e-mail. As a result she proposed the idea of a blogroll and aggregator to support civil debate. In particular, we are challenging Christians to follow Christian principles in speaking the truth in love….