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“Some folks have reshaped the Bible and the gospel so that it is driven by the plan for personal salvation. The Greek word for salvation is soteria so it is accurate to refer to such thinkers as soterians and their gospel as the soterian gospel.” Thus Scot McKnight begins his discussion of salvation and judgment…
I’ve been wrong before, am quite probably wrong about many things right now, and I suspect I will go right on being wrong until I die. From What Embarrasses Me about Christianity. Yep. Just checked. No reason to believe I’m not still wrong about bunches of things.
I have previously written about the term “dominionism,” one which I don’t find very helpful as a label for a political position. So I was very interested to hear Dutch Sheets, one of those called (by some) a dominionist, make reference to the term. I was invited as a Christian leader to hear Dutch Sheets…
. . . and will be posted here tomorrow. You have until midnight tonight eastern time to get your posts in. Come one, come all (qualified folks!) and submit your posts!
Here I went and wrote an entire book on the subject, and Jon Birch gets it in one picture: HT: Kouya Chronicle
The story of the temptation and fall (Genesis 3:1-7) is one of the stories that sustains some complentarians and advocates of male leadership and authority. I use “myth” here in the partial technical sense of a story that explains and reinforces a cultural norm. In particular, people point out that Eve was taken in by…