Christian Carnival #185
. . . has been Parableman.
. . . has been Parableman.
Isaiah 31:4-5 has presented a rather substantial exegetical, critical, and even translation problem to a number of commentators. The difficulty can be illustrated by comparing the translation of this verse in the REB: This is what the LORD has said to me: As a lion or a young lion growls over its prey when the…
Uses social media. Receives request for help. Personally shovels driveway. Kudos! More on CNN (HT: Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire).
Many introductions to Hebrews spend a great deal of time on the date, authorship, and audience of the book. I’m not so sure that these questions can be answered with any degree of certainty, so I tend to focus on what we can come to understand from the structure and content, and the theology we…
As I’m sitting here on the porch at Dave Black’s place ther is one disappointment. I didnt come here earlier so that I could have met Becky Lynn. I feel like I know her from correspondence and from her book. She had an enormous impact on so many lives over the years. Might I commend…
Someone signing as Morgan Sorensen just left a comment on my old post (11/28/2006), and I want to promote it to its own post, because it demonstrates the core errors of the KJV-Only position in a very small space. I’m printing the entire comment but I’m interspersing it with comments on the core errors that…
. . . has been posted at Imago Dei. I’ve resubmitted my post, which I sent to the wrong e-mail address, under the generous “submit by Friday” note. Thanks to Mandi Kaye for hosting.