Cassini-Huygens Pictures
These are not my usual fodder, but they are so good, I just had to call attention to them. You can find a catalog of them at NASA-Cassini-Huygens.
These are not my usual fodder, but they are so good, I just had to call attention to them. You can find a catalog of them at NASA-Cassini-Huygens.
Second Sunday of Easter April 3, 2005 I didn’t manage to restart these notes before Lent as I had planned and stated on the web page, but they are restarted now. I am no longer including my working translation so I can focus more on the interpretive process. Where I have worked such translations over…
Believe it or not, I do regularly read the weekly lectionary passages. Finding time to write about them is another matter. This week I’m going to start by providng some links to previous discussions of lectionary passages. First, I have a write-up on Isaiah 26 which discusses the structure of the entire chapter. I think…
I’m returning to these notes after the busiest winter, spring, and half of summer that I have ever experienced. I wrote a couple of notes, getting back to them in fits and starts, but I haven’t been able to sustain the writing time. During this time my company released four books, one of them in…
Yesterday I wrote about the equivocal nature of the sign of the serpent lifted up in the wilderness, and how it was both a symbol of death, and a symbol of fertility and life in the ancient near east. Today in my reading I checked the notes in the The Jewish Study Bible and found…
I find it very interesting to watch the way Christians handle the ten commandments. On the one hand, they have become an icon of our Christian culture, so that nobody wants to claim that they don’t keep them. They’re regarded as a foundational and basic icon, so we keep trying to make them the firm…
The attached audio is from an introduction to Mark I presented for a radio program in 2003. {audio}mark_intro.mp3{/audio}