Common Theme, Lectionary for Baptism of Christ – A

The texts are Isaiah 42:1-9, Psalm 29, Acts 10:34-43, and Matthew 3:13-17. (Check them on Textweek which is a wonderful resource.) I like to think about common themes in these passages so that I can, if I want create a sermon or a lesson that incorporates all four texts. In this case I see a…

ADELFOI = Brothers and Sisters

I’m probably beating a dead horse to death, but I encountered the following quote in reading Victor Paul Furnish’s commentary on 2 Corinthians: . . . adelphoi is used quite inclusively by Paul when he addresses a congregation; he is thinking of all those, female as well as male, who are in Christ. . ….

Why I Don’t Like Left Behind

Hat tip to Gentle Wisdom for this quiz on eschatology: What’s your eschatology?created with You scored as Amillenialist Amillenialism believes that the 1000 year reign is not literal but figurative, and that Christ began to reign at his ascension. People take some prophetic scripture far too literally in your view. Preterist 100% Amillenialist 100%…

From my Blogroll: Better Bibles, Baptists, and Brothers

Better Bibles was one of the earliest entries on my blogroll, and one of the blogs I read before I began blogging myself. I look to the authors for lots of challenging material on Bible translation. They often go much deeper than I would. But these posts are not just about explaining who’s on the…

Rounding Up My Blogs

I’ve written two posts that might interest readers of Threads. The first is on how we listen and read, and the second is on capitalization in translation of the Hebrew scriptures. (And no, the Hebrew doesn’t have capitalization, so what gives?)


I first saw these on Pursuing Holiness, and tried them on Participatory Bible Study and Jevlir, but now I want them here. They are just too convenient for those links and one-liners.

Working the Blogroll

One reason I enjoy the blogosphere is that it involves an exchange of ideas, often between people who differ a great deal on what they believe. I was pruning out my blogroll yesterday (I only removed defunct blogs), and it occurred to me that the blogroll really is not very meaningless. It contributes to someone’s…

Another Interesting Lectionary Omission

Since I’ve been attending a lectionary discussion group during Wednesday lunch, and therefore spending more time on the lectionary texts, I’ve been interested in the way the texts are selected. For this coming Sunday, Epiphany, one of the texts is Isaiah 60:1-6. “Now what could possibly be interesting about that?” you might ask. I’m glad…