All Saints Day – Cycle B

Believe it or not, I do regularly read the weekly lectionary passages.  Finding time to write about them is another matter.  This week I’m going to start by providng some links to previous discussions of lectionary passages.

First, I have a write-up on Isaiah 26 which discusses the structure of the entire chapter.  I think it’s worthwhile to look at passages in context, especially here.  In this case, John the Revelator uses material from the Isaiah passage in our New Testament epistle reading, Revelation 21:1-6a.  I use a series of scenes to illuminate the structure of Revelation in my study guide, and you can find an outline of these combined with my draft translation.  Reading the two side by side, and then expanding the context of the Isaiah passage by reading the whole chapter will give you some insight into the use of the Old Testament in the New.

Later in the week I hope to post some audio of my previous teaching on the gospel of John.



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